Monday, October 20, 2008

Le Havre bowl 30 years latter (2008/10/19, Le havre, Normandy, France)

Luckily, sun was there!!! Beginning to find the lines and having fun!!! This place is special for me, as it was there that I learned half-pipe Rskating 30 years ago. At the same place was the first park ever of this city, with fiber glass quarters and half pipe, with no coping nor plateform....Plate stalls were tricky, as in place of the coping, the ramps were rounded, with a 20 cm radium, and we had queue for using them, up to about 20 riders waiting for few seconds runs, crazy 1979!!! In those time, there was a guard in charge of the park, filtering people, no pedestrians, nor moto... skateboards, roller skate only, BMX didn't exist yet, all tricks had to be invented!!!!
Now it's a smooth public concrete park, with bowl and street parts, max 2m deep, with plenty trajectories and transitions to discover and share with skateboard and BMX!!!! It's a pleasure to share this equipement new generations!!

It's one of the biggest outdoor crete park in France!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roll' sSome Noise III (Lespot indoor skatepark, Le Mans, France, Oct. 3rd, 2008)

Still wondering if I go there or not after having my back aching the full week before, it was with a bit of fear that I finally got there. My back was a bit stiff, but we had a very cool night session!!!! The 3rd edition of this rollerdisco night was with the theme of the sea, many nice disguises and dance on the street area. Quad skaters were here!!! The bowl part got some animation too!!!
Many thanks to Quader and his club and to all the quaders from Paris!!! Enjoy:

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Champigny PRO/AM 2008 (sept 27-28)

End of september, last year there was a big event at Champigny, with nice demos in skateboading, rollerskating and BMX: this year was added a contest during the 2 days!!!!

Satuday stated cool and sunny, wake-up at 7, (temp was 7°C too), a bit warm up when I lost my visa, then I picked up Major, and by 9 we were at Champigny !!! Whith Guy THECLAN staff was ready: we set-up the juge tent, computers, clean and dry the ramp from last night dew!!!! and by 11-12, the ramp was ready for riding !!!!! Then the day passed too fast, competitors arrived, like Greg, Aurore, or Marc. For Rollerskating, the event was organized as a 2 jam sessions, pro and am together, the 2 first riders of each jam qualified, plus one session for qualifying 2 from the loosers for the sunday finals: so 6 riders were qualified for sunday. Was lucky to qualify ...
On saturday night the ramp was illuminated for free session and best tricks!!! It was really nice!!!! at 10pm the site closed!
Sunday was a bit cooler, sunny as possible, we arrived by 12 at Champigny. The timing was a bit tense, as all the comp had to be finished by 15h30 for the podium with officials....At 16h30 everything was done.

For rollerskates:
Qualif JAM sessions:
- 1st session : Taylor LATOUCHE, Grégory MAURY, Nicolas COLLIAUX, Kévin COSTABILE
- 2nd session : Aurore COSTABILE, Lucien ’LULU’ CAUSSE, Loïc ’ZORG’ MARTINEZ, Tony JACQUOT

JAM final :
- AMATEUR : 1st Tony JACQUOT, 2nd Loïc ZORG, 3rd Aurore COSTABILE
- EXPERT : 1st Gregory MAURY, 2nd Taylor LATOUCHE, 3rd Nicolas COLLIAUX

BEST TRIKS : Gregory MAURY,“ Fat Flat Spine 540°”.

A big thanks to the organizers:
-Nico and CG94
-Roller: PMG,