Cool meeting with Bomberator team from Spain and Irene from NY!!!!!!!!
After a 2 hours TGV trip reserved last minute, I arrived at the park at 13h, too early for the indoor park, but already warmed up by coming rskating from the train station (flat/smooth/straigth 40min). Nevertheless, the free outdoor park and the small ramp were worth the try with this sunny weather. At the opening of the indoor park (14h) I was nearly alone on the vert, adapting to this new ramp form me and wondering when the Bombe team would arrive. I was figthing with my camera/tripod/remote stuff in order to take some videos while Nelo and is friends arrived by 15h30!!!! This was the beginning of a very cool and incredible afternoon. We were about ten quad rollerskaters on a vert!!!!! I was very impressed by the level and the motivation of everybody. Even during his warming up Nelo is impressive (how can you stretch so long? I can't wait in front of a vert ;-)) and after, his tricks were wonderfull (2m airs, infinite kind of inverts, rotations, slides), you should participate to the X-games/LG-action games Nelo!!!!!! Special mention to Marta the youngest who skated her first vert here and already put some nice tricks and to Irene was was still in the jet lags and skated!!!!
The ramp is really nice, (size between Nantes and Champigny). Pity I couldn't stay longer and share the other days with you and see Bernhard: this was the first gathering for me and not the last!!!! Here are few picts and videos from that friday:
-Run from Irene warming up
-Nello invert and more
-Bombe side stance
-Me trying autoshoot
Other picts from saturday here and on Bernhard forum for the other days.
Many thanks to all of you for this very special day Irene, Marta, Bernhard, Bombe, Nelo, Ricar, Torru, PoweRanger, Gambin,.....

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